Tyrolean festival of new music


Klangspuren Schwaz 2025 focuses on the relationship between humans and technology and invites us to explore our emotional approach to digital innovations in new ways. It has been said that even a thousand years ago the brazen head of the inventive Pope Sylvester II had a fascinating but also unsettling effect on people. In the modern age, people sought to precisely measure the world. This not only satisfied a need to control nature but also raised cool-headed reason above heated emotions. In today’s debates about the influence of digital technology and artificial intelligence, old fears of losing control are once again flaring up: Will we still need musicians in the near future? Will there still be concerts? Klangspuren Schwaz wants to address these issues with curiosity and openness, with a critical but above all playful attitude. The festival aims to show how artists approach these questions creatively. How instead of technical perfection, they focus mainly on expanding artistic forms of expression and daring to move bravely and confidently in a technologized world. And if we are to believe the words of the writer Louis Chude-Sokei, then this meeting of humans and technology can produce a sort of new, warm and respectful relationship that benefits us.

The 2025 Festival programme will be published in early June.